Video 23 of the “Voice For California” series.
by Dr. Henry Falany
Filmed in Yosemite National Park in a Snow Storm.
California leads the nation that leads the world in the end time harvest. Hence the importance of an uncommon move of God in the Golden State. A revival will effect the moral fiber of the entire state. It goes right to the heart of the issues.
This video is another passionate plea to the California body to switch from focusing on the issues to focusing on revival – a great awakening – outpouring of the Holy Spirit. An encouragement to stop majoring on the minors (the issues) and major on HIM!
Jesus told us that God knows about all our needs, then He said “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things will be added unto you.” –Matt. 6:33
By the way, when we shot Video # 22 a few days ago in Yosemite we counted 143 waterfalls and cascades in the Merced river canyon. That doesn’t include the untold number of falls in Yosemite Valley. It was an amazing display of water gushing everywhere!! We take it as a confirmation from the Lord that it is time for a cry for an outpouring in the Spirit. Can somebody shout “Yes?”